英 ['fruːtfʊl; -f(ə)l]美['frutfl]
- adj. 富有成效的;多产的;果实结得多的
- We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.
- 我们有过一段长久、愉快、双方都获益良多的关系。
- It was a fruitful meeting; we made a lot of important decisions.
- 这是一次很有成效的会议, 我们做出了许多重大决定.
- Newton's laws were fruitful for the future development of science.
- 牛顿定律对其后的科学发展起了很大作用.
- Our return with fruitful results to the city surprised them.
- 我们满载而归回到城里,这使他们很是惊奇.
- The work will be more fruitful under this plan.
- 按照这一方案,做这工作将更有成效.
- These trees are fruitful.
- 这些树果实累累.
- Diligence brings about fruitful results.
- 勤劳出硕果.
- He is really a fruitful novelist.
- 他真是一位多产的小说家.
- The valleys to the north are more fruitful.
- 北部的山谷更富饶.
- He is full of [ fruitful in ] expedients .
- 他 办法 多.
- The talks had been fruitful, but much remained to be done.
- 会谈卓有成效,但还有很多事情要解决。
- It was a fruitful meeting; we made three important decisions.
- 这是个卓有成效的会议, 我们作了三项重大的决定.
- Taken as a whole, the work was fruitful.
- 就整体而言, 这项工作是富有成果的.
- This is perhaps the most fruitful new insight we have in the field of organization.
- 这也许是我们在组织领域中所获得最富有成效的新见识.
- It's been positive and fruitful, but it's gone on far enough.
- 它是积极的和富有成效的, 但是要大家加倍努力.